Asphalt Sealcoating: A Cost-Effective Method For Maintaining Summerville Area Lots

Asphalt is an affordable, durable material and perfect for Summerville's climate, but once it's applied, a multitude of factors can cause the asphalt to dry out, fade, crack, and crumble over time, including:
- Water
- Gas and Oil
- Salt
- Ultraviolet rays
Asphalt Sealcoating involves covering parking lots and asphalt surfaces with a protective coating made from specially formulated oils and paving materials that soaks into the asphalt, restoring a deep, shiny, black color, replenishing the essentials oils and binding agents that have dried up and crumbled, and filling in small gaps for a smoother appearance.
Asphalt sealing and seal coating is the proactive, future expense-reducing service that will protect your investment in your Summerville parking lot or driveway from the forces of nature, the wear and tear of traffic, and even the effects of time.
Asphalt is made up of a sand and gravel blend mixed with a petroleum-based binder, making it flexible and pliable to withstand elements and the compression and expansion that results from temperature changes. Heat and UV rays dry out the asphalt, and a motor oil or gasoline leak not only stains but also reacts with the petroleum binder and causes accelerated decay. Professional asphalt sealing and seal coating minimize the need for expensive repairs and extend the life of your pavement. 843-729-8200 are the masters of asphalt sealing in Summerville; whether it's crack sealing or complete lot seal coating, we've got you covered.
Asphalt Sealcoating For Longer Lasting Lots
We're always proud of the work we do in asphalt repair and maintenance and asphalt sealcoating for Summerville businesses and homeowners, so we always suggest asphalt sealing to make our work last longer and to protect our paint job and the asphalt itself from nature, traffic, and time.
Because asphalt sealing prevents oxidation and cracks, potholes are also much less likely to form, but when they do, we offer quick, inexpensive pothole repair. To avoid pothole repairs, resurfacing, and repainting long before it should be necessary, professional asphalt sealing by Benford Site Services LLC is the fast, effective, and cost-efficient way to protect your investment in your parking lot, road, or driveway.
An Asphalt Maintenance Plan Is The Ultimate Protector
Asphalt sealing will most certainly protect your parking lot's surface and stripes, but there's no better insurance than a professional asphalt maintenance plan from Benford Site Services LLC.
Our pros will design a plan for your specific needs with regular inspections, crack sealing to stop erosion and weeds, and any other actions needed to properly maintain your parking lot or road. When you sign up for our asphalt maintenance plan, you can set it and forget it.